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Property Design

I have property designed on 3 different shows over the last 3 years, most of which were hand built props

Nine Girls - Assistant Prop Designer

My First Design Team - Nine Girls

Nine Girls was my first show on a design team. I had worked on stage management teams and crews, but never as a designer. I worked as an assistant designer. My job was to help research props for the time period of the show and help build props like some of the sports equipment, pill bottle labels, and hand written notes. I also helped research breakaway props, which I would also use later on in my next production.

The Play That Goes Wrong

Solo Designing - The Play That Goes Wrong

The Play That Goes Wrong is a designers worst nightmare, making props that are supposed to break. This show was a great experience for me as I got to build a lot of the props from scratch and have full control over every aspect of how it was going to work and how it was going to break. I built a collapsing shield (which a would later make into a functional prop for Cinderella), barometer, and a dog painting, along with other things like a paint thinner bottle, notebooks, and notes. The shield, barometer, and the dog painting were all made out of foam to make sure that when they were scripted to fall, they wouldn't actually full break and could be reset for the following days performances. I also got to use breakaway glass props again, which I had experience in using from the previous show that I props designed.

Play That Goes Wrong Mood Board

Play That Goes Wrong Props Progress Photos

Clue: On Stage

Creating Well Known Items - Clue: On Stage

I had a co-designer for this show and we spent a lot of time making sure that our design worked for the time period and would be recognizable to people who may know the board game. To make sure that the iconic weapons were recognizable, we hand built them using cardboard, foam, and silver spray paint to make weapons that were identical to the game board pieces.

Game Weapons
Prop Weapons

Clue Props Mood Board

Other Props

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