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Stage Management

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Vanessa has been on management teams since her first show her freshman year. Since then, she has been on a total of 9 management teams, serving every position from apprentice stage manager to production stage manager. Throughout those shows, she has learned many different techniques and changed her styles in every aspect of the work, getting to a more efficient and comprehensive management style.

Prompt Book

It is important for a prompt book to be organized and easy to understand. Both scripts are labeled by letter, L for lighting, A for Audio, F for Flies, S for Spots, and D for Deck, so that whenever a cue is called, each area will know which area it is for, and the number corresponds to a cue that each area has given me. The script (left) is my first prompt book from 2023, and the other script (right) is from my most recent show from 2024. In the latest script, I not only used letters to keep track of the area, but colors as well to make stand-by calls much faster and sticky notes were placed on the left side of the page if the cue being called had specifics like a specific movement it needed to be called on or what deck/fly was moving. This script proved to be very helpful when calling such a time sensitive cue calling show like Cinderella, in which most of the cues were called with music or dance moves.

Seussical - 2023
Cinderella - 2024
Cinderella - 2024

Blocking from freshman year to Junior year has remained very similar. I labeled my prompt book mostly with character names in case someone else needs the blocking and it makes it very clear which character the blocking corresponds to. Blocking goes on the right side of my script, and on the left side I leave notes for specific movements, big formations, or notes for later cue calling/designers that may be helpful based on the blocking on the page



Pride and Prejudice - 2021
Seussical - 2023
Cinderella - 2024

Call Sheets and Tech Reports

I used two different kinds of reports during both shows I PSM'ed, call sheets and tech reports. Call sheets were sent to actors after every rehearsal via a remind class with the information for the next rehearsal and notes from the previous. Those notes included anything from reminders to bring items to rehearsals to line notes. In the general notes, a link to a google drive folder that included blocking and dance call videos was also included, which was updated every time we had a rehearsal. Tech reports were sent to designers through email with the information from the rehearsal, like what scenes were being worked that day and who was called. Under that information was a textbox for each design area with any notes they may have received from the rehearsal and when they needed to get items done if it was time sensitive. Both these tools, call sheets and tech reports, proved very helpful not only to the designers and actors, but the parents and directors to keep up with what was going on in rehearsals.

Seussical - 2023
Cinderella - 2024

Other Paperwork

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